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Underarms Laser Hair Removal


Underarm laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that provides a long-lasting solution to unwanted hair. It offers a quick and painless alternative to traditional hair removal methods and can enhance personal hygiene. It is also cost-effective in the long run and can save time spent on daily hair removal. 

Underarm Laser Hair Removal typically takes around 15 minutes, where Full Arm Laser Hair Removal will likely be closer to 30 minutes. Throughout your session, you might feel moderate discomfort. Most clients describe the sensation as the feeling of a rubber band hitting the skin. Laser Hair Removal at Laser Hair Removal Clinic can help reduce unwanted underarm and arm hair. First, the hair is destroyed from underneath the skin, then it sheds out completely. After the pores close, the pesky arm and underarm hair is gone. Treating the underarms literally takes only minutes and you can get started with your first treatment on the day you purchase.

Benefits of Under Arms Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment to remove unwanted hair from the underarms. The treatment uses a laser to target the hair follicles and destroy them. This leads to permanent hair reduction in the treated area.

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for most people. There are a few potential side effects, such as skin irritation, redness, and swelling. These side effects are usually temporary and will go away on their own.

  • Purpose: Pain-free hair removal. 
  • Results: 3-4 weeks.
  • The time it takes: 15 minutes. 
  • Pain: Moderate Discomfort 
  • Number of Sessions: Minimum of 6 to 8 sessions. 
  • Weeks intervals: 4 to 6 weeks. 

If you are considering laser hair removal, it is important to find a qualified provider. The provider should have experience performing the treatment and be able to answer any of your questions.

One of the essential rules for maintaining both male and female hygiene is the removal of hairs in the armpit area. Using a razor every two to three days is not only exhausting but also irritates the skin. This problem is especially acute when you are on vacation and do not want to constantly monitor the condition of your armpits, but you want to relax and completely indulge in relaxation. The way out of the situation is Underarm Laser Hair Removal in Dubai which is done by a cosmetologist in the clinic, and which can get rid of unwanted hairs for a long time.

Who can get Underarm Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is not just a way to enhance aesthetic beauty but a way to greatly simplify your daily body care.  The treatment is ideal for anyone having the following problems:

  • Your hair grows quickly and abundantly
  • Traditional hair removal methods are insufficient
  • You get a lot of ingrown hair
  • After hair removal, you have a blue bearded effect
  • You suffer from folliculitis

In all the cases described, laser hair removal will help you eliminate unpleasant sensations and excess hair and will greatly simplify and make your life easier.

Preparing for the Procedure:

To achieve the best effect and eliminate the possibility of unpleasant sensations after the laser hair removal for underarms you must follow the following simple guidelines:

  • Two to three weeks before the procedure, give up all types of root hair removal. Such methods damage the hair follicle and complete absence of hair from the root will negate the effectiveness of laser
  • Two weeks before visiting the doctor, you cannot sunbathe, while in the sun be sure to wear sunscreen SPF 30+
  • Immediately before the laser hair removal session, remove the hair in the armpits with an ordinary razor. Hair length during the procedure should not exceed 1 to 2 mm.

What Happens During the Procedure?

The laser does not require contact with the skin; the doctor moves the device over the surface and directs the beams to the selected area.

To improve the patient’s sensations, the action of the laser is accompanied by instant cooling and minimizes the sensitivity of the skin, relieving pain and discomfort.

There is no burning sensation or pain during the procedure. Immediately after the end of the session, a slight reddening of the skin may be observed, which disappears within a few days.

In addition to hair removal, thanks to laser hair removal, point marks disappear like after shaving, the skin becomes soft and smooth. The duration of the session is on average 10 to 20 minutes.

What will happen after the Procedure?

The effectiveness of laser hair removal has been proven by many years of practice. The most modern and safe Underarm Laser Hair Removal in Dubai is available today.

Around twenty percent of hair follicles are destroyed in the treated area after the first treatment. At the end of the course, 15 to 20 % more hair follicles are eliminated. 

How many Sessions are Needed?

The epilation procedure is repeated until the hair completely stops growing. The number of courses required and the intervals between them depends on the patient’s hair structure.

A different number of repetitions of procedures may be required for other body parts. However, on average, the course for women is from 6 to 10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 months.

Is the Result Permanent?

The achieved result persists for a long time, but despite this, hair follicles tend to regenerate; the duration usually ranges from 1 to 8 years. It’s time to forget the word “hair removal.” The recovery time of follicles depends entirely on the person’s characteristics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to shave before laser hair removal. However, if a patient has not shaved the treatment area, then the laser therapist will help you shave the area during your appointment.


According to the current demand, Candela gentle pro max is considered as the best due to its versatility to target every colour, skin colour and skin types.


It is normal to experience some redness and slight swelling after your first laser hair removal sessions. Some might even experience a little itching as well. This is completely normal.


Six weeks before treatment, you must refrain from waxing, bleaching, or hair removal by pulling or tugging. The success of the laser hair removal treatment depends on keeping the hair’s colour and root intact. Prior to your visit, it’s crucial to shave the region that will be treated.


To reduce skin sensitivity after a laser hair removal procedure, refrain from taking hot baths or showers for 48 hours. Additionally, you must refrain from exfoliating for at least 10 days following your treatment. Exfoliation can lead to clogged pores in addition to significant skin irritation.

Full body laser cost can average from AED 500-1000 depending on the type of package chosen and the machine being used.


It is recommended to get laser hair removal done every 6 weeks.


Laser hair removal is a painless and a permanent hair removal method. Ditch all the other hair removal techniques and start laser today.


Laser hair removal is safe to get on pubic area. It is safe to get laser done on every part of the body and it is effective.


Depending on your hair type, you might notice that you can wait a little bit longer between shavings. As a result, if you shaved every five days, you might only need to do so every two weeks. In general, people who undergo laser hair removal only need to shave twice between treatments.